About 推荐正规买球平台

College Overview Section


Wherever you are now in your educational journey, 中央卡罗来纳社区学院致力于帮助你学习, progress, achieve, and succeed!

  • 高中毕业生报名在高质量的机构继续他们的教育.
  • 未完成高中学业的学生注册获得文凭并继续学习.
  • 大学毕业生报名是因为他们意识到他们想要一份需要副学士学位培训的职业.
  • 下岗工人报名参加是因为他们想接受新的职业培训.

The reasons people enroll are many and varied, 但它们都通向中央卡罗莱纳社区学院, where success is waiting.

中央卡罗莱纳社区学院是一所两年制的公立学院, primarily, residents of Chatham, Harnett, and Lee counties. 它是北卡罗莱纳社区学院系统的成员,并得到了南方学院和学校协会的认可.

小班授课使学生与教师有密切的工作关系, who enjoy the excitement of seeing students learn, achieve, and go on to further success.

Join us for your exciting educational journey!


中央卡罗莱纳社区学院提供艺术副学士学位, Associate in Engineering, and Associate in Science degree programs. 与许多四年制学院和大学的衔接协议使这些学位的毕业生能够无缝地转学. A University Transfer diploma is also available.

该学院提供许多应用科学副学士学位, as well as diploma and certificate programs, 哪些课程为学生进入职场做准备.

成人基础教育提供非大学水平的课程, English as a Second Language, and continuing education technical, vocational, enrichment, and general interest areas.

学院的李主校区是李早期学院的所在地, 与李县公立学校的创新伙伴关系. 学生可以在五年内获得高中文凭和副学士学位.


Chatham County

All Chatham County Locations

Chatham Health Sciences Center
75 Ballentrae Court, Pittsboro, N.C.

该学院的查塔姆健康科学中心于2020年在查塔姆县的布赖尔教堂地区开放. The two-story facility includes classrooms and labs. 提供课程及劳动力/持续教育课程.

Chatham Main Campus
764 West Street, Pittsboro NC

中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的查塔姆主校区占地43英亩,有60个学生,000 square feet of floor space for classrooms, shops, offices, and laboratories.

查塔姆主校区是学院可持续发展项目的主要地点, 提供可持续农业和可持续技术学位以及生物燃料证书, Green Building, Renewable Energy, and Sustainability.

校园也是烹饪艺术的主要场所, 包括烹饪艺术学位、烹饪基础和从农场到餐桌的创业证书. 校园内的天然厨师咖啡馆提供由推荐正规买球平台烹饪艺术继续教育和课程项目的学生准备的可持续食物.

这些项目位于可持续发展技术中心, a LEED-certified energy-efficient building. Also LEED-certified, the 24,2000平方英尺的推荐正规买球平台-Chatham社区图书馆位于校园内,为学院和社区提供服务.

Chatham County Small Business Center
Building 1, 764 West Street, Pittsboro NC

学院的查塔姆县小企业中心和查塔姆县就业中心位于查塔姆主校区的行政/教学楼内. 小企业中心提供商业咨询和培训机会, 而就业中心则专注于个人的职业发展和目标规划.

Siler City Center
400 Progress Boulevard, Siler City NC

银城中心于2011年开业,占地41英亩,位于中央卡罗来纳州商业园区. 24,000平方英尺的设施通过了leed认证,并展示了创新技术. The building has classroom, office, medical, 以及用于成人高中教学的职业实验室空间, GED, ESL, workforce development, medical certifications, and general college education.

Harnett County

All Harnett County Locations

Harnett Main Campus
1075 E. Cornelius Harnett Blvd. (U.S. Highway 421 East), Lillington NC

中央卡罗来纳社区学院的哈尼特主校区有74名学生,000 square feet of building space for classrooms, labs and offices, 还有一个提供全方位服务的图书馆和学术援助中心. 它位于北卡罗来纳州的利灵顿和比斯克里克之间,占地47英亩.

Harnett Health Sciences Center
51 Red Mulberry Way, Lillington, NC

Central Carolina Community College's 50,400平方英尺的哈内特健康科学中心是一个最先进的医疗保健教育设施. 所有课程和实验室都需要完成学位, diplomas, 这里还提供各种卫生保健领域的证书. 该中心靠近中央哈内特医院和其他卫生保健设施.

West Harnett Center
145 Olive Farm Drive, Sanford NC

占地8500平方英尺的西哈内特中心位于西哈内特工业园区. 它提供普通成人教育课程和英语作为第二语言课程.

Triangle South Enterprise Center
600 Magnolia Avenue, Dunn NC

三角南企业中心是学院的合资企业, Dunn Committee of 100, and Harnett County. 学院的哈内特县小企业中心就设在这里. 该设施还为课堂和小企业孵化器提供了空间.

Dunn Center
660 E. Johnson Street, Dunn NC

邓恩中心提供各种课程和非课程项目. 提供的课程包括烹饪艺术和理发.

Lee County

All Lee County Locations

Lee Main Campus
1105 Kelly Drive, Sanford, NC


The Lee Main Campus, located on 104 acres on Kelly Drive, in Sanford, North Carolina, has 237,000 square feet of classroom, shop, laboratory and library space.

Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center
1801 Nash Street, Sanford, NC

In addition, the Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center is located on the campus. The 36,000-square-foot meeting, exhibition, and event center serves the college, community, and region.

Center for Workforce Innovation
5910 Enterprise Park Dr., Sanford NC (formerly 5910 Clyde Rhyne Dr.)

劳动力创新中心是推荐正规买球平台下属的继续教育部门. 劳动力创新中心还设有小企业中心的李县办公室.

The Dr. Paul Howard and Dr. Barbara James Innovation Center
5825 Clyde Rhyne Road, Sanford NC


Emergency Services Training Center
3000 Airport Road, Sanford NC

李县也是中国中建紧急服务培训中心的所在地. The 101-acre site includes a burn building, classroom building, rescue tower, VIPER tower, 并为大型车辆事故救援等场景提供充足的空间. First responders, whether fire, law enforcement, or emergency medical services, are well trained here.